Real-Time Parking Compliance Technology
Passport’s digital compliance and enforcement solution empowers you to collect evidence, issue warnings and citations and recover punitive revenues more effectively. Enjoy a more reliable and transparent system, improve the experience for staff and drive payment compliance to grow revenue.

Compliance Software
Built To Optimize Efficiency.
Connect your operations team and database with officers on the street
Give officers the easy-to-use tools they need to monitor and report quickly and accurately
Leverage a real-time system with GPS data and unique features to deliver more detailed citations
Upgrade by integrating with a license plate recognition (LPR) technology to operate 4x faster

Photo Enforcement
Manage Compliance Like Never Before
Integrate with fixed LPR cameras to enforce in your environment while easily managing correspondence with non-paying parkers.
Explore Dozens of Innovative Parking Compliance and LPR Features
Learn more about the dozens of innovative features built into our parking enforcement and license plate recognition software.
Data and Reporting
- Synchronize data in real time, with no need to dock and download data
- Monitor officers in real time to provide added security and enhanced customer service
- Manage and optimize officer beats and schedules with live GPS-tracked data
- Identify repeat offenders with custom reporting capabilities
- Utilize a ticket heatmap to illuminate high-density areas, often an indicator of insufficient signage, issues with hardware or suboptimal officer coverage
Monitoring and Issuance
- Utilize GPS-based ticket issuance for real-time accuracy
- Issue tickets without internet connection
- Ticket with easy-to-use handheld ticketing options (Zebra, N5s, bluetooth printers, etc.) and a user-friendly mobile app
- Attach photo evidence, violator notes and internal notes for adjudication
- Give your enforcement team the tools for digital chalking and scofflaw management
Payments and Appeals
- Quickly search for citations and provide violators with easy payment options
- Add citation payments within Passport’s mobile parking application
- Seamlessly integrate with leading industry solutions including Barnacle and VERRA
- Automated appeal notifications and appeal management, resolution court system integrations
- Sort outstanding legacy and overdue citations, match them with registered owner information then send mail notifications
- Print and mail custom-branded notices to verified addresses
- Schedule escalation fees for outstanding payments, setup payment plans and implement force pay
- Integrate with various LPR technologies
- Search for active parking sessions, permits, potential scofflaws and allow/deny list status with license plate scanning software
- License plate scanning to mark, track and enforce time limits/overtime
Scalable Solution
- Streamline your parking operation with Passport’s cloud-based solution that integrates mobile parking, permits, enforcement and payments into one powerful platform
- Centralize your parking, enforcement and permit data in one place for infinite insights into your parking and mobility operation
- Digitize your entire parking management operation with Passport’s mobility management platform, resulting in a more integrated, reliable and efficient infrastructure for you and your community
Easy, Secure Payment Processing
Reduce your costs and improve your cashflow with Passport Payments

Work with a parking & transportation payments expert. Passport Payments is integrated across Passport’s mobility management platform – including connected partners – making it simple to process payments, and manage and collect your daily credit and debit card funds.
Benefits include:
- Streamlined operations and reconciliation processes
- Lower processing costs
- Eliminated need for third-party gateways and processors

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