A New Year Means New Opportunities

Originally featured in the IPMI Blog.
By Anthony Caddell, Regional Sales Director at Passport
We all know about New Year’s Resolutions and sayings like “New Year, New Me.” Sometimes, these resolutions are jumping-off points for positive life changes. Often, they are forgotten or given up by the end of January, but hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?!
What is always true with the turn of the year is that new opportunities lie ahead. That can mean many different things to many different people. The pace at which our industry is moving is faster than ever, and if you’re reading this blog, it means you, too, have an entire 12 months ahead of you to take advantage of new opportunities.
Whether you’re a technology provider hustling to grow your business, a municipal or higher-ed operator searching for ways to improve the parking experience for your constituents or students, or a parking asset owner looking to maximize revenue across your entire portfolio, 2025 is a blank slate.
No matter the resolutions or goals you’ve set for yourself, personally and professionally, it’s important to keep things in perspective and define what really matters to you. One of my college friends recently mailed me a book called “The Daily Dad” by Ryan Holiday, as we’re both early in our fatherhood journeys. In a book filled with memorable quotes & lessons, a certain one stuck out to me. Holiday writes:
“Who you are is more important than what you do. I’d rather you be good than successful. Character is more important than cash”.
I hope we all had the chance to relax and spend time with family throughout the holiday season. As we prepare to get after it in 2025 and chase all of our goals, let’s make sure to do it the right way. Because who you are will always be more important than what you do.