Citation Management Platform Goes Mobile

Citation management may not sound glamorous. But as the world quickly adopts mobile payment technology, the transportation industry shifts in a variety of ways. Yes, there’s mobile payment apps for parking, but mobile technology is also being leveraged for the enforcement of parking, issuing of violations, and assisting violators with paying and appealing citations.
With Passport’s citation management platform, parking enforcement officers can take a breather. The platform enables enforcers to conveniently monitor valid parking sessions, view permits, track scofflaws, report incidents around the city, perform electronic chalking, and issue citations through their Android smartphone. Providing parking enforcement officers with a device that’s familiar to use, flexible, and designed for their exact workflow enables them to efficiently do their job. Not only is this efficient for all parties involved, but the platform features for both enforcement officers and customers are really what set it apart.
Parking Citations Don’t Have To Be A Hassle
We get it. Finding a ticket on your windshield is frustrating, but paying for it doesn’t have to be. Having the ability to view, pay, and appeal your citations through our mobile app immediately after it’s printed takes convenience to a whole new level. Take our GoTucson app for example, in just a few weeks end-users will have the ability download the app, find their citation, and pay or appeal all through their mobile device. Another benefit is the ability for users to pay or appeal their citations through the mobile-friendly website.
“Our ability to utilize the evolving mobile technology allows us to provide state-of-the-art methods for our clients to efficiently monitor parking and to assist citizens in reconciling their violations,” said Justin Cruz, Senior Software Engineer at Passport. “With the growth of our platform we have seen a large increase in efficiency for officers on-street, as well as an increase in citizens utilizing the mobile options for payment. One-third of our online payments come through a mobile device with the number growing each month.”
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Tailored Platform Benefits Parking Enforcement Officers
When it comes to the boots on the ground, parking enforcement officers have the ability to monitor, issue, and enforce citations through a smartphone. The platform provides tailored functionality for the cities exact needs, business rules, and workflow. Ultimately, enforcement officers can cover more ground and enforce parking policies more effectively. The software operates through the Android operating system, which provides Passport with more agile development and allows for frequent updates and additions. Android’s provide our users with a variety of durable devices and accessory options and is a cost efficient choice.
As mobile payment technology advances, the options in the citation management industry continues to shift. With innovations and expanding technology – we can’t wait to see what’s next.