
Passport’s Picks of the Week

This week’s installment of picks of the week hits on Uber’s revamped app, the world’s first zero emissions hydrogen train, a revenue boost for Pokemon Go, and more. Deep dive into some of our team’s must-read picks…


iPhone’s bedtime mode to get your sleep schedule on track

When it comes to falling asleep at a reasonable time, it really only happens about for me about 3 times a week. One of the main contributors to my less than 8 hours of sleep a night? My smartphone. I’m constantly scrolling through my Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook feeds and naturally am avoiding falling asleep. With the iPhone’s newest bedtime mode feature, I can control when I need to go to sleep based off my pre-determined number of hours I want to sleep. For example, if I want to get 8 hours of sleep and know I need to get up at 6:35am — my phone will alert me at the exact time I need to hit the sack to get the adequate amount of sleep. Pretty cool, if you ask me, and my pillow.

– Kimberly Kufel, Content Marketing Specialist


Pokémon Go gets a big revenue boost from its special Halloween event

As a huge fan of Pokemon Go, even I’m willing to admit the game has lost some of its initial luster. Many theories abound, but the lack of new content is probably why so many people have stopped playing. In response to lower app utilization, Niantic hosted a limited-time, in-game event that introduced a higher spawn-rate (an increase in the number of Pokemon that pop up while you play) and higher payout rates of candy (the reward you get for catching and trading Pokemon). This was a bold move that proved to be effective in doubling the game’s revenue compared to the week prior. And while I didn’t make any in-app purchases, I definitely found myself opening the app a whole lot more last week.

-Sara Wasserboehr, Graphic Designer


World’s First Zero-Emissions Hydrogen Train To Go Into Service in Germany

With rail being such a significant form of mobility for a majority of Europe it is great to see more forms of zero emission transport coming online.  Specifically, Germany will be launching the world’s first hydrogen passenger train with an expected launch next year.  Sounds like technology that has been seen on public buses is beginning to transfer to rail.

– Tom Wiese, Sales Associate


Uber Overhaul Aims to Keep Users Inside the App

Uber, the ridesharing app, is now aiming to keep users in the app by integrating Yelp, Snapchat, Spotify, and other applications into the platform. The San Francisco based company is going to be launching a new app, which incorporates accessing user’s calendars (if approved) to sync up with meetings, appointments, most visited places, and more to keep their experience a seamless one.

– Daniel Bliley, Director of Marketing


Transit Windsor Going High Tech with Real-Time Updates

Transit Windsor is spending $2.7 million to add new technology to their 112 buses and 1,200 bus stops which will now allow rider to enter a Stop ID to find out when their next bus will arrive.  The functionality will be available via smartphone, web and SMS.

– Tom Wiese, Sales Associate